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Michael Flynn allies allegedly plotted to lean on Republicans to back vote audits
Ex-whistleblower says group enlisted his help to seek potentially damaging information on two members of Congress to prod them to back audits in key states Trump lost.

Michael Flynn Is Still at War
…the Jan. 6 committee heard testimony from a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania named Everett Stern…

Republican candidate denounces Michael Flynn as a ‘traitor’ during bad-tempered GOP debate
Senate candidate Everett Stern blasted the QAnon-courting general during a testy exchange with his opponent Kathy Barnette in Pennsylvania

Independent Candidate Drops out, Backs Fetterman: ‘Democracy at Risk’
John Fetterman’s campaign for Pennsylvania Senate is getting a boost from a candidate who dropped his independent bid and endorsed the Democrat out of concern for the future of U.S. democracy.

GOP candidate claims Michael Flynn hoped to blackmail U.S. officials into pro-Trump “audits”
Pennsylvania Senate candidate Everett Stern made the bombshell accusation in a press conference Saturday

GOP Senate Candidate Says Michael Flynn Group Asked Him to ‘Gather Intelligence’ on Lawmakers
Speaking to a group of reporters, Stern said representatives for Flynn approached him through his Patriot Caucus group earlier this year with the objective to influence lawmakers to support election audits in favor of former President Donald Trump.

The military-intelligence veterans who helped lead Trump’s campaign of disinformation
Everett Stern, a Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Pennsylvania who runs a private intelligence firm, said he was approached in April by two Republican political operatives who urged him to gather information on elected officials to help prompt a state audit of the 2020 vote.

What Is Michael Flynn’s Long Game?
The candidate, Everett Stern, said Flynn’s representatives wanted to extort these people to force them to back an Arizona-style “audit.”

Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail
How HSBC hooked up with drug traffickers and terrorists. And got away with it.

Special Report: HSBC’s money-laundering crackdown riddled with lapses
Executives of HSBC Holdings Plc and its U.S. subsidiary are scheduled to testify Tuesday before a Senate panel about how the London-based banking behemoth, after years of run-ins with U.S. authorities over alleged anti-money laundering lapses, has cleaned up its act.

Everett Stern IMDB
Everett A. Stern is the Intelligence Director and Founder of Tactical Rabbit, Inc (private intelligence agency) and a former candidate for United States Senate. Everett Stern is also the Hedge Fund Manager of Rabbit Alpha, LLC and Rabbit Capital Management. Stern is best known for his actions as the whistle-blower in the HSBC money laundering scandal where he uncovered billions of dollars in illegal money laundering transactions which led to an SEC investigation and a $1.92 billion fine against HSBC in 2012.

An NYPD detective scored freebies and raked in money running a private security company from his precinct. His bosses didn’t care.
Everett Stern and Tactical Rabbit uncover NYPD corruption
Streaming Platforms
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Everett Stern Featured in 2018 Netflix True Crime Series, “Dirty Money”
Dirty Money is a thrilling investigative series from Oscar Award-winning director Alex Gibney, which provides an up-close and personal view into untold stories of scandal and corruption in the world of business. Using first-hand accounts from perpetrators and their victims, combined with rarely-seen video footage, this addictive series keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
CARTEL BANK (Directed by Kristi Jacobson)
For decades, HSBC, one of the world’s largest banks, laundered hundreds of millions of dollars for Mexican drug cartels.
Senator Elizabeth Warren, dogged journalists and prosecutors try to hold the bankers to account. But will they be judged “too big to jail?”
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Tactical Rabbit is a for-profit agency and not a 501(3c)